Friday, March 4, 2011


I shut down the previous incarnation of this blog several months ago.  The site never received much of my attention and was more of an experiment with the Blogger platform than anything else.  I'm still skeptical of the amount of attention this rendition will receive but my interest has been renewed.  I'm going to try for a multiple platform system this time.  Things will end up getting divided between Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Blogger.  Each platform obviously has it's specialties.  Facebook is designed for interaction, Twitter for recording of minutiae, Tumblr for media, and Blogger for text.

These are the links,

I've looked into Google Sites which offers a completely customizable site but with the increasing mobility of my life it's useful to be able to update from anywhere.  At this point Blogger is the only service without a mobile app but it's possible to publish through email which overcomes that roadblock.

This year has been an entirely new chapter of my life if not an entirely new volume.  I've been through a lot of "life" in the past 8 months.  I finish graduate school in two weeks.  I have to find a job.  I have to be an adult now.

I've had someone influence my life greatly in the past 7 months.  She's made me realize a great deal about myself and the world in general.  It's a combined effect of her impact on my life and an interest to share stories that leads me to restart this project.  So here we go again.  This is my opening post 2.0...

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